Tuesday, 12 August 2014


This week in writing we are learning about personification.

This is where a thing, or idea is talked about as if it was a person, and as if it can do things that it can't REALLY do.

Time crawled.
The wind whispered.
The sun beat down.

One reading group even found an example in our story yesterday
'At night, she lay in bed, and listenened to the sea breathing in and out under her door'

Yesterday we practised with a buddy on white boards.

We had to have ...
a noun (the thing)
something it was going that really only people could do
adjectives (describing words)
a conjunction (joining word like - while, but, although)

Here are some awesome examples that the class have written in their books today

The raging fire danced around the brown, dusty wood. - by Sara
The bright fire angrily danced as it whistled its favourite tune. - by Millie
The furious fire rampaged through the town like the incredible hulk. - by Brad
The vicious fire devoured the house as it danced along.  - by Grace H

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