Monday, 14 July 2014

Fairy Tales

We are reading and writing Fairy Tales for the next few weeks.

This website is great, it will read the story for you as you read it!

Story Website

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Glasgow 2014

Our new topic for Term 3 is going to be really exciting
Here are some great links to explore

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Performance assembly

For those parents who weren't able to make it to the performance assembly this afternoon here are a few hi-lights!

Mrs Milner and the choir

                                                             The Senior guitar group

 The Pohutokawa ukulele group

Totara ukulele group

Kapa haka

Suzy's World

Suzy's World

This week Mrs Ware has been showing us some short DVD's made by Suzy Cato (I'm sure lots of parents remember her!)

She has been showing us about how the moon changes shape, what life is like on other planets and why satellite's don't fall out of the sky.

We LOVE Suzy because she explains things really well and she is quite silly and funny.

Mrs Ware got the DVD's from Napier library - they are free to rent! There is a whole series on all sorts of science ideas.

There is also a website If you are interested

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Te Reo - the weather

This week we were telling each other what the weather is like today.
This blog has a great link

Other words you can use are:
paki - fine
wera - hot
makariri - cold
hukapapa - snowy
ua - rainy
marangi - stormy
maku -wet
pupuhi te kohu - windy